An ongoing survey of the state of affairs regarding chicken wings in NYC.

1) White Horse Tavern - Manhattan, NY
    567 Hudson St   -   212.243.9260

Heard of the White Horse? Been there? Well if not, go. It's a great place. Nice ambiance, fair prices, and good music. Comfortable bar with two TV's comfortably placed. A good hang. Just don't, whatever you do, order their wings. The words 'chicken' and 'wings' are univerally sullied by the material they serve here.


    Reviewed: 5/2003
    Followup visit(s): None
    Price: $4.95 for 10 wings

    K&J wing rating: 2 chickens
2) 66 Water Street Bar - Brooklyn, NY

66 Water Street Bar is one of those places that tries really really hard, but somehow just don't pluck the chicken. Who knows why. The bar itself is gorgeous with really nice lighting and space definitions. There's a small art gallery. Windows look down to a huge basement space used by shows that can seat prolly 100. They've a good tap/bottle and booze selection. Maybe cuz of all of the above, or maybe because me and K hung out there a lot, or maybe because it's a bar, I(J) love the place.

But, their wings need help.


    First Visited: 1/2003
    Followup visit(s): 2/2003, 3/2003
    Price: $5.95
    # wings received: 8
    K&J wing rating: 5 chickens

3) Brooklyn Ale House - Brooklyn, NY

Words about the joint and their wingal abilities.

    Followup visit(s):
    # wings received:
    K&J wing rating: