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Hello. I'm J. Thanks for reading. Me and K put together this thing for the simple reason that we love wings. Who doesn't really?

After hitting lots of bars and being disappointed by way too many wings, we got to talking one day about how hard it is to find really good wings. And then got to talking about websites. Then continued drinking. Then got into an argument about the Yankees and the Red Sox. Then realized there should be a website about chicken wings in NYC.

I coded the site. Phear my HTML Skillz! Sorry for the complete crap look to it. Hopefully the content will carry it with that function over form thing and all.

The rating system is your standard five star system- five is good, one is bad. We try to give each place at least two visits before posting a review, but sometimes it's not possible. Sometimes we write our thoughts on bar napkins.

Got a beef or bone (sorry) about the site or anything? Contact me or K and lay it down. Enjoy!